Last Minute Genius


Daily Post:

Where do you produce your best writing — at your desk, on your phone, at a noisy café? Tell us how the environment affects your creativity.


My writing is not necessarily environment-restricted, but where I am definitely has an influence on the words that float out of my head. I find that I usually write best in a space that is not my own – for some reason, a measure of discomfort (or unfamiliarity maybe?) helps me get my flow going. Perhaps I tap into the hustle and bustle around me, using the humming energy to fuel my own imagination.

I can, however, also work in a still environment. There were times, back when I attended college like a good participant of this society, when I wrote pages upon pages sitting at the desk (only rarely with music) in my dorm room. That was usually a last resort, though – late nights fueled with artificial energy pumping through my veins, frantic fingers clanking out words that almost danced on the screen…what insanity, what accelerated focus! I admire myself in those days. Intense, manic almost, determined to be a last minute genius. Funnily, it kinda worked. I always received excellent feedback on my writing abilities. Maybe I just write better that way sometimes.

Every once in a while, though, there’s a specific place that I have to be in order to successfully write. I can’t really explain why – maybe once in a while my brain only unlocks with a certain key – but it’s always a place that’s readily available to me, such as a school library or certain study lounge. It’s only happened to me while, and only while in school. Now, my creativity and eloquence are more fluid, more available. Always a bit sporadic, though; my mind doesn’t play the consistent game very well. White noise does help; that, at least, I’ve gathered over the years. Too much of nothing sends my brain in circles.

In addition, I’ve managed to create this post over a few different locations – that might say something about my work space preferences. All in all, I have a hunch it doesn’t really matter. If something insides me truly needs to reach daylight, it’ll squeeze, squirm, and argue its way out of me like sweat on a hot summer day. Beads, lines even, that I can’t control, dampening my eyebrows and skin in protest of my body’s own suffering.

Basically, I love writing. And if I can – if I’m lucky enough to touch the goddess of inspiration – I’ll do my best to make it happen.


About claireaudient

North Carolina girl, born and raised, though now I consider Vermont to be home as well. I guess you could say I'm a migrant gypsy farmer, if you were prone to saying such things. I've played the whole society game; I've been to three different colleges, have an Associate's Degree (in Liberal Studies, or something like that), and have worked more restaurant jobs than I care to admit. Through a curious series of events, however, I've formed a different perspective on what life means to me. Instead of slaving away at a job I hate to eke out a mediocre life staring at a shiny screen, I'm living out my dream to travel while learning organic farming and sustainability practices. It's not always easy, but leaving the comforts of routine to experience the wonders of the universe was a choice I will never regret. <3

3 responses »

  1. The internet stops me writing; it’s like an everpresent distraction; a procrastination device; a Devil! I have to switch it off. Disconnect my wifi completely. Even from my cellphone. The Modem. OFF! The cellphone data. OFF! Then, I can write. I make an appointment with myself to turn the modem back on at the end of my planned working spell. Not a minute before.

    When cometh part 2 of Her story? I find myself wanting to know more.

    • yes, I agree with you – the internet can provide lots of temptations when I’m trying to focus. I try to use my writing as a meditation, attempting to focus solely on my project at hand. I feel that I’ve been writing more often because of it, but I’ve got a long way to go ;)

      As for the story, I don’t really have a timeline planned out. The first one just kinda popped in my head, and I went with the flow. Thanks for the encouragement!


  2. Pingback: My Writing Spaces | The Bohemian Rock Star's "Untitled Project"

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